Monday, August 01, 2005

Hero Worship?

Great, just what I needed, another reason to regret leaving Wichita. This is a fascinating, and actually rather surprising article on the religious themes that can be found through out comic book culture. Scroll a bit father down DD Fans, you just might smile at who makes a special guest appearance.

I have to admit that Wichita really was a place that I kind of set the bar for now. A great comic shop. A rather nice microism of the world. I was alone but not stranded. Great restaurants and entertainment. Nice community. I suppose I had quite a few opportunities to settle in, and in the end, I never did.

Now, that I know they had a church this cool, well, I might have found just the inspiration I needed. Not really, but it sounded good.


Kev said...

Wichita sounds like a great place. I have my reservations about the church, though ;)

Darediva said...

Somewhere I have seen Andy McClung post on a DD board, but I can't recall which one. Seems like it was the Yahoo DD list. Believe he uses the screen name ScubaRev. Anyway, it would have to be cool to have a tape of your baptism when you are grown, and the Rev is talking about Spidey. 8^)