Now for those of you who get on the Marvel website may have noticed awhile back that there was a survey asking where fans would like to see this band of misfits travel next. Well in a (not so) surprising turn they picked them all. And I am pleased to add they picked well. For those of you who remember my excitement of MK 2099, and then my disappointment at the poor package. The Exiles will be traveling to the 2099 that I remember, the one I was hoping for.
For the first arc starting with issue #69 they will be heading to the universe of original Marvel... the Daredevil and Spidey hopping through New York. So I urge you fellow bloggers... start with #69, and stay as long as you can... as long as you like reading this. I can guarantee it will be worth it, but any boost along the way that can keep this Worlds Tour going will be great. I have favorites from almost all these Marvel timelines. Thanks for hearing me out.

Preview of The World Tour

Another title to add to my list, then...always willing to take a recommendation.
Let's hope it's a good deal better than the most recent 2099 stuff. I am still reeling from that ;-)
I didn't even buy any of the 2099 but the DD issue. It was so pitiful that I didn't bother with characters I don't normally read.
The original premise of 2099 was ok, though, so if they go back to that, it should be a decent read.
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