Sunday, November 20, 2005

Got up and went

So, here it is four a.m., and I am awake. Old habits die hard, but apparently the same can be said for new habits. I have been getting up at around four a.m. for the last three weeks. My wife has been working twelve hour shifts (something about inspections). And while that was supposed to have ended last awhile back, it looks now as though she does not know from day to day how long she will stay.

Well, today, I had the chance to sleep... and I had to pee. Hence the title, I even thought about putting (pee) in the title. It is also the last part to that, "My get up and go..." Anyway, I thought blogging might help, but to no avail. Ah well, it was going to be up at 3:00 tomorrow anyway. I am pretty sure the bags under my eyes could carry luggage. Ah well if any of you are up that early tomorrow... drop me a line.
