So, I was perusing my local Dollar Store... we have several, but the one I want to speak of has everything under a dollar. Now most of the time I go into these stores with the lowest of expectations. But lately, I have been insanely drawn to the dollar DVDs that can be found... most of the time old movies and cartoons.
But on this day I was perusing the books, which seemed crowded with biblical throwbacks by the thousands. But there among the seemingly worthless literature, was a sketchy raw covered book with the very bold type DAFFY DUCK for PRESIDENT, a few quick page flicks through, and I was hooked. Written and illustrated by the legendary Chuck Jones, this book appeared to be some sort of children's book obviously over printed, or unpopular... as there were at least 15 or so available. I instantly bought it, a sketchbook of Looney Tunes for a dollar, how could I resist?
So for you all is a quick sketch I did tonight:
Wow! What a great find! I have a copy of "Fifty Years and only One Grey Hare", but I paid a lot more than that for it!
Excellent sketch, btw, of the Daffster.
Great sketch! I am probably far less familiar with Looney Tunes characters than most people, coming as I do from a household where Dickens was considered suitable entertainment for the kiddies. But I must say that the sketchbook sounds great; an excellent find!
Oh, and I am naturally seething with envy that your dollar stores are (obviously) cheaper than our pound shops. grrr;)
N.B. I do not choose to go the way of my Aged P's in inflicting Dickens on my children. They can only stand so much, I feel, and are more than welcome to sample the delights of Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny et al. Sometimes, I can even be found watching said cartoons with them...
man oh man i am jealous and look at those artistic skills. truly sir i am green with envy. not only for the beautiful sketch but even the time to draw.
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