DISTRICT X VOL 2 UNDERGROUND TP $19.99- The price tag seems a bit hefty for this trade, however, if I like the first volume (still not puchase) I will be getting this. Trades are easy to find discounted.
EXILES #69 $2.99- And now, the moment I have been waiting for, the world hopping arcs of Exiles. Yet again let my pimping session begin: The Exiles are a group of reality traveling mutants, brought together to fix inconsistencies in realities, and maybe pick up some teammates along the way... and perhaps each find their way back home. What will happen now that the man who brought them together was found to only do so for very evil reasons? End Pimping. My reasons for picking this up are simple, I love the what if scenarios, the future realities. A few of the stops will be the Marvel Universe (HoM), the 2099 Universe, and Future Imperfect among others. Perhaps the most refreshing aspect is that the writer (Bedard) and the artist (Pelletier) are going to show researched and faithful representations of these realities. And the fans can rejoice, every reality is somebody's favorite.
GHOST RIDER #1 (OF 6) $2.99- I am getting this for my brother (younger), but no doubt both my brothers will want a look. Painted interiors and a powerful writer. It makes me wish that I could enjoy it. Maybe I will.
HOUSE OF M #6 (OF 8) $2.99- Everything is falling together nicely. And the ambitious bi-weekly schedule is still going strong. This is an intriguing story that promised everything the heroes have wanted is theirs, now what is to become when they try to find the life they had before. If were anyone else but Bendis writing, this would be subpar, but as it is, with him this is an event.
MARVEL ADVENTURES SPIDER-MAN #7 $2.50- Well, I have been singing the praises of Sean Mckeever, now Eisner award winning, and this is one series that highlights why he is such a welcome writer. He can write books that everyone can enjoy. Make note of emphasis, everyone can enjoy it, you may not, but you could. Most importantly, kids can pick up a Spidey comic again. If you thought that was always possible, just ask a fan about Gwen Stacy. Oh and Mckeever's artist from Gravity, Mike Norton, will be joining this book soon.
MARVEL TEAM-UP #12 $2.99- Well the culmination of a storyline 12 issues in the making comes to an end. And Kirkman has been weaving quite a tale. I only found one issue really disappointing. And while some might finding it tough losing the series artist, I am looking forward to the new one. If only I could remember his name.
Now for the apologies. I really meant to return with a blog sooner. And that preview art, but as it is, it is not very good, and just for fun

A real enlightening blog. Don't stop now. Here's the resolve a lot of people are searching for; how to buy & sell everything, like writing on interest free credit; pay whenever you want.
Um, thanks... I always find talking about comic books that have not come out very enlightening. I really should use the verification feature on this blog...
Enjoyed a lot! » » »
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