This site is called Com-Mix and for the most part I think it a great idea. Several indy comic artists gave permission to have their images used, and people can cut and paste their own strips. It really works out quite well in the creating process, you can resize and flip and rotate and overlap and such. For instance the TV in the above is actually the top of a cellphone made rather large. As I said, I couldn't be happier when creating. If I could make one more addition it would be thought bubbles. As you can see from Panel 2.
There is an assortment of art from nearly 20 artists. Quite varied in style. Now if only it all worked. On this strip it just simply will not save the strip. I don't know if perhaps there is a limit on strips one can do. That could be I suppose.
And the strip you will see below is my first attempt. Which is actually uploaded to the site ten times. Not really intentional on my part. I was simply trying to edit the background into the second panel, it was not showing up when I would save it. And the strip just was not working for me blank. Anyway, since it refuses to work today, I figured I would just put my creations here and give some links. I hope someone out there enjoys it too.
Nice strips. Your first one makes me thankful not to have to go through Thankgiving ;-) I imagine this is one of those sites that can suck you in...and before you know it, you are spending far too long making comic strips, and wondering where whole days have gone ;-) It looks great fun.
Indeed. I have decided only to use it when inspiration strikes me. It won't work like that, but it sounds good. Thanks for the comment.
You made that? I'll check the site. Looks fun.
Oh, haven't seen you in a while, welcome back :)
Good to see you blogging again! I know you have so much "help" from the boys that I imagine it's tough to find time to do anything.
I'm almost afraid to take a look at the site for fear I too will get sucked into another black internet hole.
Thanks for the comments everyone!
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